Hello, I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I recently got a telescope for Christmas, and got in to observing the night sky. I found that if I stuck my phone's camera lens up to the eyepiece of the telescope, I could take photos of what I was seeing. This was very difficult to do, as there is a narrow window for which the light can reach the camera lens without being distorted or cut off. I had to hold the phone in a precise position with a steady hand to take clear photos. The highest quality photos were of the moon, because of its size and brightness. I also attempted to take photos of star clusters, which are not as impressive, but still interesting. I took these photos over a series of weeks, which is why the moon appears in its different phases, from a waxing crescent, to a gibbous, to a full moon. I have adjusted the exposure for some of them, reducing the brightness of the moon and increasing the brightness of the star clusters. Thanks for reading, and enjoy t...
Hey guys! My idea for this week's theme was inspired by a recent photo competition for students that I entered. The competition involved three themes, and one of them was "Bermuda Life" which is mostly the culture and lifestyle of Bermuda. I have done minimal photography with people, and none on this blog so far, so I thought I could challenge myself with this theme. The photos I have here relate to experiences I have had that relate to Bermudian culture and people. I took most of them spontaneously and in the moment, and tried to capture what living in Bermuda is like. These photos were taken all around Bermuda such as Horseshoe Bay, the PGA Championship at Port Royal Golf Course, and at raft-ups. I found it more difficult than landscape photography I had done in the past, as I had to focus on capturing people who are constantly moving as opposed to just the natural environment. As always, all were taken with my iPhone 7. Enjoy! ~Bobby