Hello, I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I recently got a telescope for Christmas, and got in to observing the night sky. I found that if I stuck my phone's camera lens up to the eyepiece of the telescope, I could take photos of what I was seeing. This was very difficult to do, as there is a narrow window for which the light can reach the camera lens without being distorted or cut off. I had to hold the phone in a precise position with a steady hand to take clear photos. The highest quality photos were of the moon, because of its size and brightness. I also attempted to take photos of star clusters, which are not as impressive, but still interesting. I took these photos over a series of weeks, which is why the moon appears in its different phases, from a waxing crescent, to a gibbous, to a full moon. I have adjusted the exposure for some of them, reducing the brightness of the moon and increasing the brightness of the star clusters. Thanks for reading, and enjoy t...