Hey everyone, This week I wanted to try a theme that's a little different. I noticed that many of my photos feature bright colors and lights, so I thought a "neon" theme would be appropriate to display these. For the nighttime photos (which most of them are) I had to make sure they were not blurry. This is pretty hard to do with an iPhone camera lens, as the exposure cannot be adjusted manually. This meant I had to hold the camera extremely still when taking these. I also had to digitally adjust the focus so that the colors were not washed out. The following photos were taken in a variety of settings including the Hamilton Princess in Bermuda, the banks of the River Thames in London, and the inside of a disco taxi cab. In fact, many of them are photos of interesting art I came across that featured light, as well as buildings and interiors as well. All are taken with my iPhone 7, and most are unedited. I hope you enjoy this week's collection! ~Bobby ...